Must Fly Page 01-02
…wherein we meet Fagin in his natural habitat: driving a crazy vehicle.
We launch the story with two pages, introducing not only Fagin, but also the amazing clockworks, the continent of Calypsitania, and the concept of “Moreaus.”
In this setting, the framing device of The Island of Doctor Moreau, that it is the manuscript found among the papers of Edward Prendick, and subsequently published upon his death by his nephew Charles Prendick, is considered to be factual.
Since the publication of the manuscript, a new organization has set about to continue the late Doctor Moreau’s work, with mixed results. Fagin, born an arctic fox but surgically and chemically altered, educated, and “elevated” to being a man, is one of their most promising subjects.
Ooooh, I like that idea for creating furry folk. And I really like that motorcycle.
So this is the beginning of the long awaited adventure. I’m excited, Gneech! This is going to be a fun ride!
Woohoo! π
Aaaand, we’re off! π
Zooooom! π
Sweet! I’m anxious to find out what he did to get all of those clockworks to mob after him…
Knowing Fagin, he probably said, “Your mother was a wristwatch and your father smelt of axle grease!”
Even disregarding for a moment how much I enjoyed your previous works, this promises to be most amusing.
I’ll do my best! π Thanks!
Best. Segway. Ever.
But then, steampunk makes even the geekiest of tech that much cooler.
They rollin’ their eyes ’cause Fagin’s so white and nerdy!
Maybe he built them himself, for a game of fox & hounds. Tallyho! As for the unicycle, that “cowcatcher” up front is useless (except as a revenge weapon, posthumous variety). Would’ve made more sense to hang a cooling system up there instead (and where IS the cooling system…? If that’s open-cycle steam, he doesn’t have much water tankage…) No gearshift. One wrist must be throttle, the other for countertorque to prevent the rider from simply being thrown radially forward… God help you if you get wheelspin…
Would it be bad form to say “About time”? I’ve been re-reading Suburban Jungle and NeverNever and seeing that they both ended some time ago, jonesing for new tales.
It… was a rough year. ^.^’
Then here is hoping that this year is so much better for you.
Thanks! π I hope so too. π
Seconded; glad to have you back, followed both previous comics. Hope 2012 goes better!
And snerk: Considering how dogs enjoy cars, it makes sense that an intelligent …well vulpines ARE members of Canidae … would invent something to go fast — and put a windscreen on it that was a bit on the low side!
The “uni” IS a steamcycle. That makes the two hoses fuel & feedwater; must use a flash-tube boiler directly connected to the cylinder (tough & heat-efficient, but a fuel hog). Braking – and reverse! – by flipping steam to the “other” side of the piston (I’m presuming double action, steam pressure pushing the piston both ways alternately; it”s very small, after all) …which would mean top speed the same forward or reverse! I doubt a turbine could withstand the bumps & jolts without turning to shrapnel. Water must circulate around the (stationary) perimeter first, to keep the tire bead from melting… because that hub must be HOTTER than HELL! And HEAVY (a low center of gravity might make it easier to ride, though)…two-point kickstand on the other side. Flashtube systems are very quick to provide usable start-up pressure – particularly if a pilot light keeps boiler and piston both warm. Still, even more “crazy dangerous” than it looks!
Well, there’s no small amount of “rule of cool” keeping the thing rolling, too. π
Night-riding “uni”-
Deer frozen in lamplight! Dodge-
and fender – fail. Ouch!
Night-riding “uni”;
Deer frozen in lamplight! Dodge –
and fender – fail. Ouch!